Walton celebrates the Platinum Jubilee

Families came out to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee on Saturday 4th June to enjoy free activities, entertainment and fun fair rides and refreshments as Walton’s Jubilee Jamboree. We were delighted to welcome The Mayor – Councillor Simon Waugh and the Rt. Hon Dominic Raab MP amongst the attendees.

The Jubilee Jamboree was the first major town event in Walton for 2022. Organised by the Walton Business Improvement District (BID), with the support of volunteers from WoTTA assisting on the day.

The High Street event was a family fun day with free face-painting, balloon modelling, street games, provided by Elmbridge Borough Council Shout!, and entertainment from a crystal ball trickster a fabulous four-piece Mardi Gras Jazz Band and circus workshops by Marjin Circus Duo!

With fun fair rides and refreshments from The Walton Village and other High Street traders the sun finally shone and the atmosphere was just fabulous.  It was great to see the Platinum Jubilee celebrated in style, bringing the community out and enjoying the town centre.
