Step 4: Lifting of Coronavirus Restrictions
This week, the Government confirmed that England will move into Step 4 of the Roadmap, with all restrictions being lifted from Monday 19 July.
Cases are still high and rising, so businesses and individuals are encouraged to act with caution.
From Monday 19 July 2021;
All remaining closed businesses and venues such as nightclubs and adult entertainment venues will be able to reopen.
All capacity limits at sporting, entertainment, or business events will be lifted.
Hospitality venues such as pubs, restaurants and bars will no longer be required to provide table service or follow other social distancing rules.
All businesses should follow the principles set out in the working safely guidance. Whilst the Government is no longer instructing people to work from home if they can, the Government would expect and recommend a gradual return over the summer.
Employers will still have a legal duty to manage risks to those affected by their business. The way to do this is to carry out a health and safety risk assessment, including the risk of COVID-19, and to take reasonable steps to mitigate the risks you identify. Working Safely guidance sets out a range of mitigations employers should consider including:
- cleaning surfaces that people touch regularly;
- identifying poorly-ventilated areas in the venue and taking steps to improve air flow;
- ensuring that staff and customers who are unwell do not attend the workplace or venue;
- communicating to staff and customers the measures you have put in place.
Businesses are also encouraged to continue displaying QR codes for customers wishing to check in using the NHS COVID-19 app, or to continue collecting customer contact details to support NHS Test and Trace, however this will no longer be a legal requirement.
For more information on the latest step and what it means for your business, click the link below to view the latest Government Guidance.